Monday, 6 February 2017

When story telling INSPIRES

Storytelling takes you on a journey that inspires you to learn about yourself and the world around you. It reflects social values in a culture that motivate people in their pursuit of a meaningful life. The oral tradition of storytelling makes it possible for a culture to pass knowledge, history, and experiences from one generation to the next. Since humanity first walked the earth, they have told stories as a way to shape our existence..maybe that is why i look forward to our story telling sessions every week.

There is a beauty in the keen faces of children as they follow your every move. React when you do and even sing along and repeat after you. The purpose.....cultivate the love for both reading and story telling. 
There is a little boy who really touched our hearts the other day. We had just finished telling the story of the little engine that could. Its an old story that helps to teach about not giving up and specifically that it is okay to ask for help. We had given the kids (all 70 of them) little engines to colour and some extra work for home work. Then i noticed this little boy looking all depressed and inquired as to why.
Then the little boy told me," teacher if you give me this work i will not do it because i don't have crayons. Can you kindly give me crayons because my mother cannot afford to buy them for me. Every money she has, she has to utilize it for our home use." You said it was okay to ask for help. I am asking for help."
Yes i gave him the box of 10 crayons. It was the best feeling ive had in a while, when what you teach is practical and has impact. When it INSPIRES.
That is what our stories do. They INSPIRE. We may no longer have fire side places where we sit round our elders and listen to ancient wisdom but we can revive an art that will help our children grow up morally correct.

"You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes thier blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift." - Erin Morgenstern

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