"The more you read, the better you get at it; the better you get at it, the more you like it; and the more you like it, the more you do it." - Jim Trelease
The three I's that get your children reading are INTEREST, INTEGRATION AND IINVENTION
lets take a look at what they are as explained by Esme Codell😊
Interest: Interest motivated reading is when a child seeks out reading materials for information and enjoyment. It is the motivation for pleasure reading. Maybe its enjoying a book after seeing a related movie, wanting to read material that a parent or teacher has shared or pursuing a book that helps in pursuit of particular interest. Anything we do for pleasure can have emotional effects: smiles, laughter, tears; the feeling of being less alone; the sense that time is flying; the thrill of new ideas and dreams. Anything we do for pleasure is also likely something we will want to repeat in the future, so even though interest is the simplest motivation, it is also the thing that gets them there. It is a lucky child who is allowed to choose his own books without judgment and whose parents and teachers suggest books solely to make the day more pleasant. It is through the freedom of choice that the child becomes self –actualized as a reader and is more likely to read for a lifetime.
Integration: This is about connecting literature to all areas of interest and learning. Integrated reading happens when a child is convinced to use reading as a springboard into other subjects. Integration takes books into the real world, where life is not separated into subject areas and where things are made and done. Your child may read a nonfiction book because of interest in the subject, but the outcome such as how to work with a recipe may result in experiences that reach far beyond the pleasures and boundaries of the printed page. #letthemread
Invention: Invention motivated reading does not only reflect the many aspects of the book, it showcases the many faces of a reader. In this kind of reading, the child allows the writing to influence his ideas but not dictate the final product. They take the reading and invent something of their own. Reading that initiates or inspires invention may also elicit responses that have a very indirect relationship to the book such as imitating small personal qualities of admired characters. Reading that motivates may be the most powerful of all. It is such reading that helps children experiment and ultimately decide what kind of people they want to be. In other words, it is such reading that helps
chiildren invent themselves. The book holds the child's interest, the child sees possible connections to the world beyond the book , and then the child decides to use that interest and insight to create something new. Invention motivated chidren arent just reading books. They are doing books, living books!.
Helping children to read more is the first step to success, so all motivations are valid. In combination , they are building blocks to a lifelong love of reading and learning and a sense of competency that may translate into higher grades and better success with other challenges. In combination, they create a fourth I , IDENTITY: I am a reader. I am a lover of books. I can get the information i need from words. I have the power of literacy.
As a parent be on the look out for what motivates your child to read. Work with it and remember there is no shortage of books because INSPIRE library is a call, a text and email away. We can organize how to get books into your childrens hands.
The Librarian
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